just realized my website is accesible to real people. Will be updating as soon as I figure out what I'm gonna do for my bachelor hihi. 23.05.24 vera
just realized my website is accesible to real people. Will be updating as soon as I figure out what I'm gonna do for my bachelor hihi. 23.05.24 vera
i feel alone in the world because i have too many passions and that makes me sometimes quite like being alone. 21.05.24 vera
I went to italy. gucci seems to be very much influenced by the catholic popes. i like it a lot. 13.05.24 vera
i changed my mind. 29.04.25 vera
i found out maybe i don't want to finish the site, and just have a online diary instead. 13.04.26 vera
due to life, death and other unexpected circumstances, my website is not done being written 12.04.24 vera